I have an English Bulldog. He brings up his food after eatting sometime. Is it because we are feeding him too much?, could it be he is eatting to fast, he does have the bowl with the bump in it so he can't really eat fast, but I think he still does, or could he just have a smal trechea and it takes a bit for him to get his food all the way down? Do I need to worry about this?
Cynthia Fountain
It's possible he has an elongated palate...
that can cause urping food and water. Chester used to do that although he had no other symptoms (no heavy noisy breathing, etc) and one day he had an allergic reaction and his palate swelled shut causing all kinds of problems. We had the resection surgery done and he totally fine now. The only way the vet can see the palate clearly is by sedating your dog and taking a good look. Hopefully your vet is familiar with bulldogs and their quirks. If you do have it looked at, make sure the vet doesn't sedate with acepromazine, that's one sedative that can be deadly for smooshy faced dogs.
Bring up food
Because he really doesn't do it too often do you think I need to have him sedated just to look at it? I don't want to put him thru that if I don't need to? My vet is a Bulldog specialest so that part I'm not too worried about.
Cynthia Fountain
Maybe he is eating too fast.
Have you tried one of the slow food bowls? You can also try putting his food on a cookie sheet, so he has to work to get each piece of kibble.
It could be he eats too fast...
the cookie sheet is what we have used in the past, spread it out and it slows them down. If your vet knows bulldogs, he should have a good opinion on palate problems. I just know that with Chester, he threw up food and water more and more as he got older until he finally wound up in the ER vet's office.