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5 Month puppy with a penile discharge :(

Hi There,

Can anybody give me some advice on my poor darling puppy? He's 5 months old and has occasionally started bleeding and secreting a mucous like discharge from his penis - I've already put him on a course of anti-biotics which had some results, but the condition still seems to come and go on a day to day basis. What could be wrong with my gorgeous boy???





Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

He could be having a little prolapse...

which would cause the bleeding.  He's been to the vet?  

KerrinHayes's picture

He has! She said the same

He has! She said the same thing! But what is a prolapse??? How does it affect him? Is he in pain?? Will it shorten his life span?? ;(



Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture


I went on a cruise and lost contact with the outside world for a week!  Prolapse is fairly common, I've never had a male with it but I know people that have.  Most importantly get him neutered so he's not getting 'excited' - that can bring on the bleeding.  If it happens frequently or bleeds for a period of time, they will most likely do a small surgery to fix it.  Not life threatening, just needs to be watched.