Shoot! Dudley nose...

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Cheryl and The SittingBullies Gang avatar image

Shoot! Dudley nose...

Boy, I thought my dogs had such great pigment, but yesterday as I looked closely at Gabe I saw THIS...


Wait a minute! That's NOT dudley--it's MUDley! (...and quite Studley, too, I might add!)


I'm just doing my job as Chief Inspector Gabe...


...and we're gittin' the job dun!!!


Well, with that settled...Come on Crew--back to WORK!


bullylover1's picture

Ha ha

that is too cute

Cheryl and The SittingBullies Gang's picture

Thanks Barb--it's very rewarding!

And I DO like a good "challenge"!

Re: Shoot! Dudley nose...

You and your gang...just too much, Cheryl...LOL!

If only I was as good a person as my dogs seem to think I am!
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Too Cute...

Cheryl! You always have the cutest funniest pics, your gang is always up to something eh? Keep the pics coming, luv um

Warm Regards,
Lakeshore Bulldogs


I love the construction crew!!
Isn't it great having all those extra hands helping you with the job Cheryl?
BTW-you're doing a great job on your landscaping.


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