Puppy matches and sweepstakes....

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hezzbullies avatar image

Puppy matches and sweepstakes....

When showing in matches and sweeps, what are some things that judges do that are great and what are some things that you all hate?

For example, I was at a show once and heard rumbling about the judge taking too much time making their decisions. The audience didn't think that the judge should take as much time as the regular classes.


hezzbullies's picture


I agree with what you said about giving the dogs more time to set up, etc. That's a good idea. I always hated to be the last in the ring and all the dogs in the line up are stacked and ready to go, I would get almost stacked and it was time to "take them around".

Last year at one of the specialties, I heard alot of complaints about the judges taking too long. I have my first assignment and hope to do a good job.

If anyone has any other input, it is appreciated.

Good Response, Robin!


RobinandLeo's picture

Re: Puppy matches and sweepstakes....

I have always viewed Sweepstakes (and Puppy Matches) as learning experiences for BOTH judges and pups and expect the judge to take more time per dog than the regular class judge does.
For my likes and dislikes - even if the particular judge doesn't have a clue of what to look for - they better be gentle handed with my dog and give it a positive experience. There is no quicker way to ruin a pup than for a judge to be rough with it.
Young dogs often won't stack as quickly, or be as steady, and often don't gait on a straight track or at an even pace and I would like a Sweeps or Match judge to be thoughtful enough to give you a bit of time to get your pup set up or gait a 2nd time.
I'd like to leave the ring thinking I had a chance to let the judge see my dog at its best, and hope the judge was interested enough in the assignment to WANT to give every entry a chance to do so.

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