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PCBC Weather Update

It may be cold and overcast today, but looks like nice weather is to come this weekend.

Also, don't forget the Puppy Match tomorrow night and Yummy hospitality!!
Judging starts at 6:00 sharp for the match!!!

Drive Safe! Can't wait to see everyone!!



That will be perfect weather. Not too cold, not too hot, just right!

Can't wait to get the weekend started!

and still another ?

Is there going to be a raffle table this weekend? I found the cutest bulldog coffee mug on sale at the hardware store of all places. I thought it would be a great raffle item?

Sherry, Cleo and Katie

That sounds great!!

Yes, there will be a raffle table. Please bring Cleo too!! I would love to see her again


quick trip down and back

so don't want to bring her along. Would be a long time in the car. Otherwise I would.

Sherry, Cleo and Katie

Awwwww .... shucks

Well, then give her a hug for us. I was hoping to get to see her, too! She's such a cutey pie.