OoH, Come on EveRyBuLLY! It's almost time for the 'Lympics to start!
HeY! Where's all da Hockey players? I don't see any hockey players!
First things first, Quatchi!
Psst, Fellas...gotta kick of the ceremonies with the Official Tune! Ready?...a OnE--and-a-tWo--and-A--ThREe!!!...
..."Oo-OH, SaY CaN yOu sEE?"...
Hey SiSteRs!!! I think I found da 'LyMpiC ToRcH!!!
OoOh--oOH!!! If there's a ToRcH, then da HoCkeY PLaYeRs can't be far behind!
Oh ShEEsH! False alarm...it's just an iMpOsTeR!
Oh HoRsE PuCkiES!...I STiLL don't see no HoCkeY PLaYeRs!...Hmpphh.
Guess we'd better just make ourselves CoMfY while we wait.
Better not be too LoNG! As far as I'm concerned ThE PuCk SToPs HERE!
...just long enough to work on some of our OLyMpiC DReAMsZz...zZz..
...and we've got LoTs of 'em, too!
...'LyMpiC DReAMiN' is what we do BeST!...GOiN' fer Da GoLd!!!
And YOU just shush your mouth & don't tell NO-bully that I mistook a SNoWGoON for the 'LyMpiC ToRcH!
The girls are just beautiful !
So darn cute Cheryl ! Can't wait to buy the book !
precious babies.
Kelly and The Carverbullies
makes me sad though.. no puppies for us for a while..
Your so creative!!
When are the Childrens Books coming out??? You have to do a series. Cute babies by the way
Lovely puppies Cheryl
.. and very entertaining as always.. looks like they are thriving.. pretty babies.
Nelia Duarte
Seattle, WA
beautiful pups
It's a fun age...
just starting to play and interact & their personalities are starting to blossom
I've got pieces for them, but need to take the next step and send off the proposal to the contacts I have. Always seems like something else takes priority
Thanks Nelia...
Yes, the girls are growing up quickly!
This will be my last litter for quite a while, too...
enjoying them while they're here
Gorgeous Cheryl