What's that? New fashion accessories? For US?...YaY!!!
Ya don't hafta call a DiVA twice when there's bling a'flingin'!
Ooh...dibs on the PuRpLE-N-GoLD! Got to practice sportin' THOSE colors!
HOoRaY for BLuE!!!
(Yes, our little Miga has popped a cherry eye already! I've always been able to massage them back in, but not with this one!)
This is DEFINITELY my color, don'tcha think?
QUaTcHi is BaCk iN BLaCK!!!
Wow! ReD is StYLiN!...Ummm, how'dya get this open?!!
Here. Try these.
Can't wait to try this LiTTLe NuMBeR on!
Me, too!
A GiRL does need some privacy for these things, though.
Ummm...ExCuSE mE, but this stall's occupied!!!
So! Whad'ya think GRaNNy CHuBBs?
ExQUiSiTe, LaDiEs! You look SiMpLY DiViNE!...Now, let's see if you can FLaUNt them appropriately...
...STAY TUNED for "WaLKiN' dA TaLk!"
the Dew Claw isn't in the middle! Guess this must be a New Yorker Doggy Trick! Our Western Doggies don't engage in such activities!
Translation of 'Doggy Dew Claw"...
"Talk to the Paw b/c my ears aren't listening".....equivalent to pretending you never taught that command at home....also equivalent to people giving 'their middle finger' dew claw!!!
lol ...
doggy dew claw....no....not those sweet puppies .... nah!
If only I was as good a person as my dogs seem to think I am!
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Haha gorgeous as always Cheryl
Well I think she'd fit right in...
wherever she happens to fly! Doggy Dew Claw? Haven't heard that one before? Translation?
Oh my...such high fashionista girls!!!
I think the purple and gold goes terribly well with the girl w/ the eyebrow...and the red just wonderfully sets of the white headed brindle too....my my...that eyebrow is really quite striking, don't you think....now that one can not only give the 'doggy dew claw' in the future but the 'eyebrow' along with the 'eye roll'....a definite Valley girl type!!! Or maybe an East Coast Gal!!!!!? lol
LOL !!!!!!!
If only I was as good a person as my dogs seem to think I am!
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They're so adorabull!
Suzie, Fabulous Phoenix & Havok