Does anyone know if there's a way to check on your dog's official points earned? I know how many points he should have, but just wanted to see if they'd all been credited to him yet, so we know exactly where we stand. I know in AKC you can do a search on their site and find their show history & points there some way to do this in Canada?
yes it's new
the fee will be starting I believe on July 1. I know my kennel club show has to charge it for all non-members. so if you live in Canada and are showing a dog, it's worthwhile to join the CKC... that's what they're getting at. More members, more money - either way they are going to get you and if you show 6 weekends of the year (4 show weekends) you will have paid enough for the membership. There will be a new entry form with a place to put your CKC membership number and if you don't have one... it's 3.00/show. Now, how they are going to police it is beyond me.
Shelley - Sophie N Angels Mocha & Stella
Members can
Hi Cheryl, if you are a member of the CKC and have a CKC membership number you can log in and check the points for each show once they are posted... they usually run about 2 months behind. If you aren't a member, I don't think it's possible. Hope that helps.
Shelley - Sophie N Angels Mocha & Stella
Re: nope not the same
I have never paid an extra fee at a show for being a non that new? I know that you have to pay extra for a dog that isn't registered yet ($7-10) but haven't heard of getting a price break with my membership....
as for the can call the CKC or you can check the website it is unofficial standings but is pretty accurate
nope not the same
A membership is about 60$/year and if you're not a member starting in June (or July) when you show a dog in Canada, you have to pay an extra 3.00$/show as a non-member.
Shelley - Sophie N Angels Mocha & Stella
I'm assuming that having a dog registered with CKC...
isn't the same as having a membership? Thanks Shelley!