My girl Mazie is back in heat. I am trying to decide if I need to repeat her breeing to my champion male Koby or breed out. I am attaching a picture of the girl I am keeping from the last breeding. I only have 1 male and I want something nice that I can breed him to. If I use him again I won't keep any since I am keeping Reba and 2 from a younger litter. I don't want everyone in my breeding program related to him. What would you guys do? I need a male that has a good turn up and lay back and nice and straight in front. I was hoping I would have more time to make up my mind but you can set your clock by her cycle. Thanks in advance for your input.
Becky Hogan
I wouldnt rush into any breeding just because my bitch is in heat...All breedings should be well thought out and planned.. I cant tell you how many times I have skipped a bitch because there wasnt a male out there I was interested in breeding that particular bitch to..that being said...IF your male has the things you listed..
***I need a male that has a good turn up and lay back and nice and straight in front.***
Use him..If not then dont..Wait for a breeding that can get you excited and take you a step forward in your breeding program.
Whitehills Bulldogs
For starters why would you repeat a mating
unless the mating produced something spectacular that had done a lot of winning in the ring. Secondly why on earth would you breed a litter if you are not going to keep. Also I take it your girl was bred from not long ago, how about giving her a break and breed her again later when you want to keep and to another dog.