would any1 say to "NOT USE" TRI-heart or frontline??

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would any1 say to "NOT USE" TRI-heart or frontline??

I am still somewhat new to the forum and have 2 EBs. A 9 month old female and a 16 month male. I have been giving both of them tri-heart plus (told its a alternative to heartguard)and about the same day each month a bathe them and add frontline in between the shoulders. I live in the woods where fleas, ticks, and other pests are more likely to make contact with the pups. I guess my question is are there any negatives to tri-heart where maybe I should switch to something like interceptor? Am I just wasting money on frontline or does it really work? The search function has been down a couple hours now so don't flame me too bad. Thanks every1

Revolution is what

my vet recommends


Never heard of it but that's what I'm trying to do is read reviews and such to see which works. With spring coming and where I live... I need one that works!!

The new one we used..

Vectra. the others quit working in our area and this actually deters the pests not just kills if they bite. one lady I knew had some on her dog and went on a family picnic and no mosquitoes were around the area unless they went away from the dog and then theyd get nailed...

thank you

I will prob switch to advantage and interceptor

heartguard from what i heard causes head tremors

My 11mos frenchi was diagnosed with demodex mange and mites were found. He is on interceptor, capstar and zeniquin(antibiotic). Within 2 weeks the red bumps with pus have been reduced. And it has been a month since he has been on these medications and no more red bumps. He is back for a skin scrapping next monday and will continue on his meds until he gets 3 negative skin scrapings. Interceptor I paid around $120 which covers an entire year, but mine has to take it each day for his condition so it's a month's worth. The ivermectin is cheaper, but it has more side effects.

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