I am off to the vet this afternoon
wander how people on the board handle taking multiple dogs to the vet
3 pugs need vaccines and so on
the 2 bullies need a weigh in..
so 5 dogs to the vet is lots..lol
wander how people handle multiple trips to the vet
to bad the vet does not do housecalls..
took my son and all 5 dogs and we are back from the vet..
ONE and half hours later
long long vet appointment..lol
Bella stayed the same weight
GUS THOUGH..he is down 4 pounds since the end of Dec. holy cow that is alot of weight off the guy..but he has been really busy lately out and about and playing.
the two pugs are on a diet..both need to loose weight big time
the other pug is too light and needs to gain.
all and all glad to be out there
at least this is ONLY one time a year for all 5 of them to go..lol
the pugs all had their physical exam too
everyone is fine but one with yeasty and bacterial infection in the ears..so treating that..
I take the 2 old ladies
at the same time for simple things like heartworm tests and one at a time for the checkup. And Audrey goes by herself all the time.
when she first came home