what day does everyone have their female ...

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what day does everyone have their female ...

ultrasound done and is xray better? Whats your opinions? thanks in advance for your input!

RobinandLeo's picture


With the 1st time I had it happen, the bitch had 1 pup and LOTS of rotting stuff in her. The Vet flushed her out 2-3 times and gave her IV antibiotics, then sent a tissue sample out to a Lab to be analyzed. It came back sterile, so we don't know for certain what caused the other pups to die. Dr. Hutch was consulted and his recommendation was to try again, and if we had similar problems to pull her from our breeding program. Her 2nd litter had 5 pups with 4 survivors, that pup had a mal-formed liver and only lived 2 days, but there were no problems like before. We viewed it as a fluke occurrence.
Within the past 10 days it happened to a friend's bitch, 2 live pups out of 6, but the male was a water pup and only lived a few minutes. Her Vet did much the same s mine did - flushing and AB.
She does have 1 very sturdy female pup though. I think this experience has made her decide to not try another breeding on her bitch.

when that happends

do the have to be cleaned out? when the pups get absorbed is there no remains at all? specially that late in the pregnancy

RobinandLeo's picture


A litter can be resorbed anywhere along the pregnancy, or there can be other problems that cause fetal death, even late in the 3rd trimester.
My Vet will do an US at 5 weeks post breeding and again either the day prior, or the day of her C-section to check the heartrates of the pups.
I have had bitch's Ultrasound show 4-5 pups and end up with just 1 pup because something happened the last week to last few days. So don't take a puppy count as absolute, but rather as a pregnancy conformation or indication of fetal viability.

thanks for input and...

our girl is at 29 days from her first A.I. but I've heard there has been instances when an ultrasound was done and pregnancy was confirmed but then puppies were absorbed. So my thought was could this be avoided if ultrasound would have been done at a later date?


With all the things one hears about the problems they have it is a scary venture. I wonder all the time if things will be ok and hope my female will have a successfull c-section and recovery. It gives me the willys to think of something happenning to her or the pups. I have always wanted my own litter but never at the price of my girl. I will keep those interested informed of her progress on here. I'm enrolled in my second year at college this semester and it starts Jan 11 so an ultrasound needs to be done this coming week so I'll know if I need to drop classes. Thanks for the input!

ickytazz's picture

ultrasound day 30 to 35 xray day 58 much earlier you will not se

Good luck

Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly



cherishedbullies's picture

Most wait until at least 28 days to ultrasound..

depending on the experience of your vet and the quality of the machine they can be done earlier. We just had one at 21 days past implant and confirmed pregnancy. X-rays are best after 56 days.

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