Hi All,
I have a 1 year old bulldog named Beefy. We took him to the vet last week because we noticed he had some red sores under his chin that were bleeding. He layes on his chin alot. The vet said they were allergies and gave him some antibiotics. We've noticed that they're getting worse.
How do I post pictures to see if anyone else has had this problem? I tried to post them
Thank you,
this is common
especially in younger bullys. it's kind of like acne in people. the antibiotics should be helping. you need to keep it clean & dry. do you use stainless steel bowls? plastic bowls are the worst as far as bacteria goes. keep his bowls clean too. you can use oxy acne pads (for people) on his chin to clean it. i would use them daily until it's under control. good luck!
sores on bulldog
Thank you so much. He just finished his antibiotics today. The vet said it was allergies, but they came out of nowhere and they bleed at times. It doesn't help that he leans on his chin when he sleeps and lays down. I will try the pads for a bit and see what happens. About how long did it take to clear up?
my dog gets them
it seems out of nowhere,too. his also bleed at times. they're actually like pimples, but don't pick or squeeze them. i had him on cephalexin for 10 days & they looked a lot better by about the 6th day or so. i forgot to mention, i notice that his flare up after playing with certain toys. mainly the rubber ones. i took them all away except his nyla bones & that helped a lot. they do "grow out of it". it's like teenagers & acne. most go away without antibiotics, but some just get out of control & need ab to clear them up. it does take a while for the bumps to totally disappear if they were to the point where they were bleeding, but they should look less red & smaller after a few days. i've also heard witch hazel is good to clean with. try to see if you notice it get worse after he chews on a certain toy & take that one away for awhile until it's cleared up. try to wipe his chin after he eats & drinks,too. hope this helps =)
acne, its his age.
you can wipe his chin with stridex or witch hazel.
wash his dishes before each feeding and only use stainless steel.
That should resolve the problem. Its not allergies. Anything but Stainless will harbor bacteria and make small cuts in his chin and cause the infection. Stridex works for acne on humans as well as bullies.
Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly
I agree..acne. Farley gets it as well.
I use Stridex, stainless steel bowls and a ceramic water dish now. He still flares up but not as bad as he did.