Penelope has pooped a lil bit of blood with her stool on and off these last couple of days....
She is eating fine and still her active self im not sure if she just ate something that she wasn't suppose to and its passing it ???
Not sure if anyone has dealt with this but if any one has any suggestions or comments i would appreciate it
Re: Does she poop more than once a day?
it is red not dark or black and she does eat everything under the sun !!!!
she doesnt seem to be bothered by it and she has been at my parents house which is when i see it happen!!!!
She is in heat and we have our male at our place to avoid any mis-haps!!!
We keep a close eye on her and see how she does !!!
thank you
Does she poop more than once a day?
Does she appear to be constipated/straining? Is she very sensitive to touch around her anus (suspecting inflammed anal glands?) or does she rub her butt on the carpet, etc.? If you're seeing "red" blood rather than dark or blackish blood in her stool, then its likely coming from the rectum (last portion of her evacuation system) and its sometimes from irritation from frequent poops, sometimes from very dry/constipated BM's or sometimes from infected/impacted anal glands. Are you seeing an type of "foreign objects" in her stools, like wood chips from eating bark outside, etc.? Have you ever had her anal glands expressed by your vet or groomer? If its very occasional, I would wait to ask the vet at next visit but if she's showing signs of other discomforts, I'd have it checked out soon.