Puppy appears to be in discomfort

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Puppy appears to be in discomfort

It seems like my 4 month old puppy is in pain or some sort of discomfort. I noticed last night when he couldn't make it up the second half of our stairs. He got to the landing area and made some strange whimpering noise I had never heard before. I had to actually pick him up and carry him up the rest of the stairs.

When I came home today from work he wasn't moving very fast and I got a treat that he really likes to see if he was just being lazy or if he was really in discomfort. He was definitely not getting as excited as he usually does and it really seemed like it was hard to make a barking noise. The noise sounded like the whimpering from the night before.

The past week has been a roller coaster...

Broke out in rash which vet said was puppy staph and was treated with an antibiotic and temaril-p. I only gave him a half of the temaril-p last night because he was drinking a lot of water, having accidents, and panting more frequently than normal. Not planning on giving him temaril tonight.

His rash seems to be much better and the spots seem to be healing. He also has still been eating and drinking normally.

Any thoughts??


The vet does specialize in bull dogs and he suggested to reduce the temaril-p to 1/2 pill every three days...

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Maybe he's having a reaction to the meds...

The P in temeril p is prednisone, that's making him drink a lot. Do you go to a vet that sees a lot of bulldogs?

Kathy, Ollie and Chester

that thought crossed my mind

You know I did think about that but I haven't noticed any real difference in the amount of bowel movements and his poop looks pretty normal. I ran to petsmart to get an ear thermometer and took his temp. It was 100.9 so I think that is somewhat normal.

TamsenNJosie Louise's picture

could he be a little backed up?

maybe the meds backed him up and he is unfomfortable? if no improvement call your vet ASAP. J & T

I would be suspicious of a reaction to the medication too...

If you read about the Temaril-P it says that muscle weakness can be one of the side-effects so cutting back to half pill dosing sounds like a good idea, and he may not even need more than one more dose if his skin continues to improve. Are you giving medications with food? That usually slows down absorption which can also ease some negative reactions to meds. happy.gif

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