pregnant diet-any changes needed?

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pregnant diet-any changes needed?

I wish I would have kept better records or have a better memory, but someone asked if they need to change the food they feed for thier hopefully pregnant bully. They are feeding Royal Canin Bulldog food without problems. Should she change to a puppy or high performance food?
Any advice would be appreciated..

[linked image]
not just my bulldogs, but my heart & soul!!

great advice..I will pass this on..thanks again nm

[linked image]
not just my bulldogs, but my heart & soul!!

Mary_MN's picture

I agree with the above posts. :0) n/m

Mary and Otto, Maisy & Apple
Marby Bulldogs

[linked image]

ickytazz's picture

I dont change food, and have not for 5 years

I feed the same food, the last few weeks i feed raw hamburger mixed with kibble. The last 2 weeks i give cranberry or lasic's to take off extra water if needed.

the last week, i feed raw hamburger as it's the lowest salt content of meat.

Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly


RobinandLeo's picture


I change my pregnant girls over to a quality puppy formula for the last trimester, and take about 3 days for the switch. I look for a food with no added salt and avoid additives with salt in them (cottage cheese has a tremendous amount of salt per serving). I use this food for her throughout the time she is nursing and weaning pups, then start the pups on the same food when they are ready.
She will need to have multiple small meals instead of the normal 2 X daily feedings as she gets bigger and the pups press on her stomach. If she gets to not eating, you can try giving her a liquid supplement like Ensure.
Calcium supplements are good to give her, after the pups are born. Some girls aren't into eating much the first few days after the pups are born, at that point I give them whatever I can get them to eat. A favorite here is butter saute'd chicken livers mixed into an egg and cheese omelet.

I agree especially on a few points:

1-don't need to start with puppy food when pregnancy is suspected, just later weeks when its confirmed.
2-watch for increased salt intake and avoid any additives that contain salt including cottage cheese during pregnancy, but okay to give it while nursing. In fact, a vet I highly regarded cautioned against adding any calcium until bitch was nursing as it may suppress body's own ability to draw and use calcium from regular diet...until the need increased (as with nursing pups).
3-offer several small meals in last 1-2 weeks of pregnancy if this helps bitch eat better/more comfortably, including early weeks of nursing. Richer food may cause some loose stools and you want to avoid that as well as any gassy belly so be aware of this possibility with puppy food and hi-protein additives. happy.gif

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