Cam home and my Marley was just laying in his crate, very unlike him. He is usually up and excited to be let out and runs out of his crate. He finally came out of his crate a bit later, ate dinner and just kinda laid low. I didn't think too much about it until after I made dinner I notice he wasn't around. I found him just laying down in his crate and again wouldn't come out. When my husband came home he never came out, usually Marley is the first one waiting for him at the door. When we went to check on him we noticed his eyes looked a bit swollen and his white spots on his face looked pink. After looking him over a bit I noticed what look like hives?(small bumps) all down his legs. I know he didn't eat anything out of the norm but I don't know if something bit him. My husband just ran out to get some benadryl for him. I'm just wondering if there is anything else I should do?
Thank you in advance
Poor boy...
I'm sure the shots helped, lots. Glad to hear you have a cause and treatment!
check him carefully in the morning...
the 2 or 3 pills you gave at night can cause some drowsiness but it should also help with hives. If he's breathing with difficulty (ie, loud, labored, tongue not a healthy PINK (not red, not blue!) then check his body for evidence of hives remaining. If he still has them, but they seem a bit better and he's breathing okay, give 2 more Benadryl in the morning...and again, watch him closely. Has he shown any signs of a 'cold' like runny nose, eye tearing, lack of appetite, acting tired (beyond what happened Friday)? If he's not better after 2 doses of Benadryl, I'd phone the vet Sat before they close (assuming they have at least 1/2 day office hours on Sat) and see if you can get him seen. I would then have thoughts about a poss pneumonia if anorexic/weak/poor color.
Good,,,glad to hear that its something comparatively
easy to treat, with no lingering after-effects expected.
thank you so much
I appreciate the help and information. Took him to the vet this morning, the vet said it was probably an insect bite. They actually saw two with the same symptoms just today and more earlier in the week. They gave him a cortisone and epinephrine shot and said to keep him in the benadryl for three days.
Re: You can start
thank you very much for your response
You can start
At 1 mg/lb. Better to go over a bit than under (eg: if he weighs 63 lbs - give 3 pills).
how much?
do you know how much benadryl I should give. the tablets are 25mg
It very much sounds
Like an allergic reaction to something. Give the benadryl. I would also get him to a vet ASAP because there is facial swelling (and possible airway involvement?)