LONELY..Gus is off to the vet for the Day..last time..

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LONELY..Gus is off to the vet for the Day..last time..

the deaf study will be over once Gus goes to the vet for the day today.
they will have all their info that they need to compile the study for the university of guelph.
what a study they will have though.

Gus is getting a physical first thing
then some other testing this morning
today they are testing him for his sign language and out for a walk or two

then off to the vets farm for lunch
go and see the farm animals
play with the vets small small kids...her daughter can walk Gus he is great on a leash
then into the farm house to test his reaction to the creaky floors. the floors really vibrate so they will get a good response from gus there
eat and then

back to the office for the afternoon
a full afternoon of pampering
and massage
and then home..

I miss him already...
it is hard send a dog to the vet for any reason..even if it is good
funny HOW Quiet My house is...with Gus gone

forgot to add the funny thing that happened to Gus today..

so the vet had Gus for lunch in her house and she hears him banging in the kitchen banging and banging. he had her cats dish and banging it like crazy. she was not sure what that was about until she figured that he wanted water..lol. I told her that is not deaf behaviour...at all..he learned that from the PUGS. they taught him to rattle the dish for water...hahahaha

Gus also had a small case of the zoomies today in the office but nothing major...but he did a fast runabout.

the vet says he is all bulldog
and that he is for sure..

it is nature that everyone loves
friendly and outgoing
seems to fit in where ever he goes..

I imagine I will get some kind of copy..the one on the net

will likely be open to vets only but can ask.
it will take the vet awhile to compose all the study material too.
I am to meet with her next week to discuss some of it ..
might have some preliminary ideas then..
might be this week if she gets a chance to do it sooner..

yipppppeee Gus did good too..
and he was great for the vet
he totally loves her
and like she said he would always have a HOME..hahahahahah if needed
NOT likely
will be here forever...
totally love the guy and I am proud of him too

thanks..did not know that Gus was like that with little children

I think that being deaf makes him more aware of situations
he is always looking around...
and has a keen eye to things
when the child slipped and fell..........he took that as something serious. the child just slipped the vet said, not a big deal but Gus cried. I can see that happening with Gus just for the fact that when he wants something he either barks or cries and he knows it gets a response. likely since he was a puppy I always got him when he cried. he used to sleep like forever in his crate as a baby.did not hear anything ..so when he did wake up ..I would go and get him.
the vet was rather impressed with Gus catching this with her child...

WHO knows maybe a therepy dog of some type..lol

thanks for the compliments..
he is well loved here

Carol Diana Fergie Ollie and Chance's picture

Really enjoy reading his diary of the study you post. Will

you get copy of the study as well or at least a place to find it on the web? Would love to read the completed study.

And always .....Winston


Gus is such a sweet boy!

I love the story about him taking care of the toddler!

well Gus is back home now...a few new things..

well Gus did well today.
the physical in the morning went well.
he knows good sign language the vet sayed and does what she signed him to do..we used homemade roast beef for a reward though and that likely helped.

the trip to the farm was interesting. we found out that Gus is very protective over her young kids. the vet has 3 under the age of 5. he would not let the kids go into the barn without him there right beside them.

at lunch one of them lost their balance and Gus did the huge bulldog cry LOUD LOUD LOUD. you know the kind only a bully can do type. the vet thinks he is very watchful over young kids. he was gentle and let them all walk him on a leash. but he is great to walk for anyone...awesome on a leash

blow dry
and nail trim

he is home now and smells great. he looks good and he is glad to be back.

the vet said if he ever needs a HOME I KNOW who to call..hahahahah. she totally loves him and all her staff.

the study is complete..not to compile it all and send it off to the university of guelph.

whewwwwww what a learning experience for all

on the side note the vet sayed HEY did you see Harley lately. she could not believe the change in the bulldog. that made me smile. making a difference one dog at a time..

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