I am so sorry, but what does this look like in my dogs poo?

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IndyBulldog™ avatar image

I am so sorry, but what does this look like in my dogs poo?

Had the dogs outside this morning and came across a surprise. Something in my doggies poo. Looks like undigested food or seeds.....right?....I have them tested for worms but it's been 2 months for Buddy. He is also on Advantage multi. One thread like thing is a hair [Human]


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mix with water and spray. One small sponge will cover about 2000 sqft. ( fill 5 gal sprayer 3 times with sponge in it) I do it twice a year and after it rains, the nematoads need moisture to live. Your garden shop should have it for about $20 per sponge. It works!!



Saved the site to favorites since we are no where near 54 degrees !!!

If only I was as good a person as my dogs seem to think I am!
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CathyandAudrey's picture

here is a link to one place to get them


I just mixed mine in a watering can and poured it on the ground. If you have a big area you can get a hose-end sprayer that mixes it while you spray right out of your garden hose.

when she first came home

CathyandAudrey's picture

works for Japanese beetles too

about the ONLY thing that works for them that isn't a harsh chemical. We have a fish pond in our front yard and a beautiful weeping cherry tree that hangs over it, and the nasty beetles strip it BARE every single year. Can't spray it cause it will run off into the pond and kill my frogs and fish. ONE application of nematodes in the spring was all it took and my tree actually had leaves on it into the fall!

when she first came home

UH...my ignorance is showing....

What is Nematoads? Where do you get it?? How do you 'spray' it....? Basically....Educate me...this sounds great as far as what it does.
Thank you!!!

If only I was as good a person as my dogs seem to think I am!
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IndyBulldog™'s picture

That right

I had heard about those. I have a lot of info to keep straight, and forgot I ever heard of them , spray in the spring right?



tape worms

If only I was as good a person as my dogs seem to think I am!
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Natural way to fight this off in your yard and it will not harm dogs or any plants Nematoads.
I spray my yard when wet twice a year no fleas, ticks, and even controls ants.

IndyBulldog™'s picture

Thank you all.

He's going to the vet. Brother too.

Agree...looks very much like tapeworms

and most common wormers don't deal with these...check dog's underside (most particularly "armpits") and talk with your vet.

judy wilson's picture

tape worm is caused by....

ingesting fleas or eating rabbit poop and other rodents infected stools.... i would get the tape med from the vet...you can even buy it over the counter now....then start using the de on a reg basis....

IndyBulldog™'s picture

diatomeaous earth help

I have a big bag of food grade DE will that help with tapeworms?


IndyBulldog™'s picture


It is It is!! I found my jewelers loop setting hidden on my desk, got a sample and it pretty much just like this pic, but not complete worms just segments.

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MarsHillBulldogs's picture

Looks like

tapeworm segements to me. They often don't show up in fecal floatation and most wormers don't work on them.

Cathy Miller

My life is full of bull.
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IndyBulldog™'s picture


Whatever it is it doesn't move. I wipe them both, and look pretty good every day. I'll get to the bottom of the yet!



judy wilson's picture

could be either....

rice or tape worms...tape worms show up only on the poop not in a fecal sample...tey have to be seen...were they movining???? if its tape they will be coming out his butt....hope this helps....

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