Mocha's cyst started getting worse. As I mentioned in a previous post I have been soaking it in the Epsom Salt with water for 2 weeks. Recently switched her food slowly to Natural Balance fish & sweet potato and added a Salmon Oil to her food. Shouldn't it be better by now??? It's been a total of 3 weeks since it first popped up. What else can I do??
This is what her cyst looks like now!
She also has chin acne that I've been putting the brown listerine on for the past 2 weeks as well. I have always wiped her mouth almost every time she drinks and eats, use stainless steel bowls and this is what it looks like today: Shouldn't it be better by now??? What else can I do?
Thanks for looking and thanks for any advise!!! I'm feeling very frustrated that I think I'm doing everything I can but not helping her.
Mocha's modeling pic.
I've heard that same thing...
and if you think about what's it about a douche solution that might work, its anti-fungal. Wiping the toe with cider vinegar a couple times a day may do the same?
I would have her on cephalexin (keflex) 500 mg BID. Have actually cleared up toe cysts by injecting prednisone directly into the cyst. Have heard soaking foot in Mesingill douch will clear up toe cysts but haven't tried that myself.
Miriam Olesen
looks like a bit of a staph....
is starting to set in.... i would get a antibotic at this point....also idc to my knowledge and i may be wrong but i have never seen it in just one toe? maybe thats a ingrown hair it just looks more like an infection than a idc....
Apple cider vinegar...
dilute it with water and spray it on or even add 1 tbs to drinking water and it helps numerous things.
Yes, I think at this point
a vet appt is necessary. I feel I've tried everything that I know to do.
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You're right she probably needs antibiotics. I just hate giving drugs.
I rather exhaust natural remedies first but guess its time now.
She is only a year and a half. Just rescued her 5 months ago.
Have not put her on vitamins yet but will be doing that asap too.
Thank you!
Mocha's modeling pic.
May I presume you have her on some additional
supplements to boost immune system such as a daily vitamin? You are doing everything I can think of at present, correctly. It can take a few weeks for a new food to show a change, and you need to remember to not give any treats that are not included in the new food source (ie, don't give treats that include wheat if you are trying to eliminate or limit the grains in her daily diet). If all else fails, she may need a round of oral antibiotics (like 7-10 days worth of cephalexin) to kick-start her healing since she has ongoing problem in two areas, toe and chin.
I have checked and there isn't anything that I can visibly see stuck in her foot.
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Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I have left it alone for a couple days to give it a break from doing too much. Since I wrote it has gotten smaller and no longer red.
The chin acne has also gotten better.
Mocha's modeling pic.
have you tried to... and make sure its not ...
have you tried to leave it alone for just a few days to see if it will clear or dry up a little by itself? I have noticed, for kibby, sometimes the medications irritate the issues even more. so i just clean , medicate, clean the next day, then let it dry up for few days and see. i also wipe kibbys mouth and bottom of chin everytime after she drinks water after a meal.
i clean it with warm water and rinse it good a few times so there is no left over soap, then i just rub very little animax or ottoman on it, and then make sure it gets dry. i do this for her toe... for face, i dont use any meds.
also, we had an idc issue before, and it turned bright red, and it turned out to a foxtail that she stepped on! luckily, it went straight thru the top of her bright red idc... originally, my husband thought it was like the top of a pimple, so he picked at it to drain the pus, and it turned out to be the top of a foxtail pointy side !! luckily he pulled it straight out! we thought this was a regular idc looked like it or a while!
good luck!