Gas question

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Gas question

Is REALLY smelly bulldog gas an indicator that the dog is on the wrong food?

Spanky had allergy testing a few months ago. He was allergic to many ingredients including beef, milk, barley, potatoes, oats, shellfish... After a month on Prescription Z/D food, we very slowly (2 months) introduced him to California Natural Chicken and Rice. As we started giving him more and more CNat, the gas began to get more and more noxious. He didn't throw up or have diarrhea, but we could that his gut was hurting by the way he looked at us. We finally decided that we had to go back to a half CNat. and half Z/D. He seems much more comfortable now, although he still has some smelly gas. The Z/D is very expensive, but it does seem to help him. By the way, he did not have gas when he was on the Z/D alone, or when he was eating Iams Senior. He is not a picky eater and will happily chow down on any food.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this gassy subject.

judy wilson's picture

what ingredients....

do you think are casuing the problem.....Here is what i would do....take all the bags of food....and list all the ingredients side by side....including all the additives....
this is good for a rainy day project....
and then try to decide why he does good on one and not the their one chemical that could be hurting....its a process of elimination....and you have to be the detective....
senoir foods are made for less digestion of the is low cal but the low cal is also full of horrible nasty fillers....

Re: Have you tried giving him something for the gas?

Since he is allergic to milk, he can't have yogurt. I tried giving him a Gas-X last night at your suggestion. It was a funny sight to behold! He had never had a sweet tablet in his mouth before. He gave the strangest look and just kept smacking and smacking until he got most of it down. He also takes a PepcidAC every night in a little bite of turkey weiner.


Thanks Judy!

You said what I was thinking... that gas is probably a sign that this is not the right kibble for Spanky. So the search continues... I am not planning to feed raw or steamed at this time, but will do more research for a better kibble for him. You mentioned senior food as a possibility. California Natural does not offer a senior food, but they do have a Lowfat Chicken and Rice that has appropriate ingredients for his allergy list. Are "lowfat" and "senior" foods comparable? I know that many senior foods contain glucosomine, and lowfat would not. The reason that I'm so stuck on CalNat is because of his allergy list. Many "good" foods contain beef, milk products, barley and oats.

Again, thanks so much for taking the time to respond.

judy wilson's picture

...gas is the stomachs way....

of saying it cannot break down the grains or chemicals in the giving a product to mask the gas your not solving the problem....becasue gas can cause the stomach to turn which is called bloat....
he did well on senoir becasue he could digest the food....thats where i would go z/d is not a food i would feed long term....raw or even steamed food would be better...less to digest....

RobinandLeo's picture

Have you tried giving him something for the gas?

Like a Gas-X pill or similar to relieve the pressure. Maybe with that you can feed him the CA Nat. food alone. Some digestive enzymes might help him too, Prozyme is one that seems to work well.
I put some yogurt on the dogs' food every meal, that seems to help with the gas issue too.

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