Thanks again to the members of this board for all the help with my baby Bella.
She is coming along nicely and the limp went away after about 4-5 days of extended rest awhile back.
I just noticed today a bump on her chin and it appears to be a dog zip or ingrown hair to me, but I'm far from a dog expert.
I don't mind taking her in to the vet, if you guys think I should, otherwise I will likely give her some time to see if goes away.
Check out the picture and let me know your thoughts.. I want to try to squeeze it so bad, but my wife says no. I apologize for Bella not posing she was feeling camera shy.
So what do you guys think, it's on the right side of her chin - I"m going to be embarrassed taking her to puppy kindergarten if it's still around come Thursday.
To see her more photogenic you can see pics here:
Dog Zit? PictureSubmitted by jeagley on April 20, 2010 - 11:51pm
Sharing....that's the entire purpose of this site...
Submitted by Ela1ne (not verified) on March 11, 2009 - 12:36pm.
we love this breed so passionately that we want to share it with others...the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Sharing....that's the entire purpose of this site...
Submitted by Ela1ne (not verified) on March 11, 2009 - 12:36pm.
we love this breed so passionately that we want to share it with others...the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Teenager already :(
Submitted by jeagley on March 10, 2009 - 5:14pm.
She's only 17 weeks, and she's already a teen - how my little girl has grown up.
Yeah it does seem like a zit to me, but wasn't sure.
She eats out of those bowls so that's good and I'll try the other tips you gave. I appreciate them.
Did you see her pics on my site, she's a handful to say the least and loving every minute of it.
If anybody else has thoughts, glad to hear them. I think half the time I Love this site just to feel a little less worried about things by hearing other's opinions and/or similar stories.
Teenager already :(
Submitted by jeagley on March 10, 2009 - 5:14pm.
She's only 17 weeks, and she's already a teen - how my little girl has grown up.
Yeah it does seem like a zit to me, but wasn't sure.
She eats out of those bowls so that's good and I'll try the other tips you gave. I appreciate them.
Did you see her pics on my site, she's a handful to say the least and loving every minute of it.
If anybody else has thoughts, glad to hear them. I think half the time I Love this site just to feel a little less worried about things by hearing other's opinions and/or similar stories.
Nothing too worrisome...
Submitted by Ela1ne (not verified) on March 10, 2009 - 4:43pm.
Hi Joe, its just what we call "teenage bulldog acne" but its a mild form of pyoderma that often occurs with bulldogs 6mos to 2yrs. Here's some ways to deal with it:

1-try to keep her chin dry. We know you cannot follow her around all the day/night but when you do see her at the water bowl, try to get a paper towel to her chin afterward.
2-avoid using any plastic bowls for food or water; stainless steel are the best but some dogs are afraid of them if they haven't started out with this type, so you can use a good ceramic. Wash bowls daily in hot soapy water; dishwasher is great for good cleaning.
3-DON'T try to burst these pimples or blood-blisters, remembering that an open skin wound is more suseptible to infection than a closed one! DO try to dry them up by using human teenage acne pads such as Stridex or Oxydex brand wipes. Use one daily and discard. Alcohol is a little harsh if used directly, plus the scent may drive your dog away...these medicated wipes contain some astringent but they will work for may take a couple weeks to clear out entirely...don't give up.
Nothing too worrisome...
Submitted by Ela1ne (not verified) on March 10, 2009 - 4:43pm.
Hi Joe, its just what we call "teenage bulldog acne" but its a mild form of pyoderma that often occurs with bulldogs 6mos to 2yrs. Here's some ways to deal with it:

1-try to keep her chin dry. We know you cannot follow her around all the day/night but when you do see her at the water bowl, try to get a paper towel to her chin afterward.
2-avoid using any plastic bowls for food or water; stainless steel are the best but some dogs are afraid of them if they haven't started out with this type, so you can use a good ceramic. Wash bowls daily in hot soapy water; dishwasher is great for good cleaning.
3-DON'T try to burst these pimples or blood-blisters, remembering that an open skin wound is more suseptible to infection than a closed one! DO try to dry them up by using human teenage acne pads such as Stridex or Oxydex brand wipes. Use one daily and discard. Alcohol is a little harsh if used directly, plus the scent may drive your dog away...these medicated wipes contain some astringent but they will work for may take a couple weeks to clear out entirely...don't give up.