Mason has had diarrhea for the last few days and I have been giving him maalox but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Is there something else I could possibly give him? Also he has been on Bravo raw food for 3 weeks and the last few days he is not wanting to eat anything(when the diarrhea started he stopped eating it so im hoping it is just from his stomach being upset) I don't understand why he has diarrhea though because I had not given him anything different.. could he possibly have like a stomach virus I wonder? He is drinking and acting fine just not eating If he continues to do this of course I will take him to the vet but was just wondering what I should do until I can take him to the vet?
I agree, my vets cringed when I said I wanted to try raw
they warned me against salmonella. Now not saying this is what he has, but I would be very careful.I have eight dog and they said I would be opening a can of worms. Dogs that have been domesticated and have been eating processed food for years. It's not like they have been in the wild like say wolves and have always been eating this way. I did want to try and in fact I did but they were really upset and I went back to the regular kibble. I spend a small fortune every other week buying them food, but they are doing ok on it and in fact, Lola has stopped vomiting every morning on the Wellness simple solutions fish formula. Their coats are shiny, and soft, their ears are fine no skin issues, they are very happy and active.
On a raw diet, I would worry about ....
The dog having eaten something full of the wrong bacteria...say a piece of bad meat or something. 3 days of diarrhea can totally dehydrate a dog and cause severe issues. I would make a call to your vet at least and see if they are concerned enough to see the dog. I would take him in were it me.
Amy and Sophia
You can try DiaBac for dogs
The stuff works great!
But you might want to give the Vet a call--especially since Mason's refusing to eat.
Sometimes canned pumpkin works..
I have also used boiled chicken and brown rice and that has worked as well.
Michelle, Helen, Penny, Spanky and Faye pup
maybe some peptno...
I had to use it the one time too
and it really does help
pepcid is another one that they use on the board for this as well
Ditto on this comment...
While dogs share a common ancestor or have evolved from a type of wolf, they are not wolves in the least. Their behaviors are vastly different and their anatomies are obviously even more different. Dogs have weaker jaws, duller teeth, and are not as shy as wolves. This allowed them to become the perfect scavengers. In fact, many dogs have completely lost the ability to go through the behaviors required to hunt successfully. Over thousands of years of domestication, a true "natural" diet for dogs would probably be the nearest dump or the left-overs of our dinner.
Thanks everyone!
I took Mason to the vet yesterday and she seems to think he has a stomach virus. She said they were going around here a lot lately. She gave him some fluids(he was a little dehydrated) and gave him an anti diarrhea shot and sent him home with stomach antibiotics and told me to keep on giving him Pepto. He still has diarrhea today and is still not eating though
I sure hope it isn't the food that has caused this because he was doing so good on it. Looks like he might have to go back on Monday if he isn't better by tomorrow.
Why not just boil chicken if you want to not feed the processed
kibble. Wouldn't that work also? ALong with of course viatmins and supplements that I guess go along with the raw feeding? I didn't in any way mean to insult or anything. I just want to do what's best for mine.
The comments were not meant to be negative in any way...
They were just simple statements about the raw food diet and they are valid statements. Anyone that feeds a raw diet does run the risk of salmonella poisoning or e-coli. Just because dogs have certain bacterias that live in their stomachs does not mean that they can avoid getting salmonella or e-coli. We have e-coli that live in our digestive tracts as well, but we can still get sick from e-coli poisoning from a foreign source. Dogs have died on this diet from salmonella poisoning. Not to mention that since dogs have evolved with us for thousands of years, their systems can handle cooked food just fine just as our systems have evolved to handle cooked food. While I do not believe that kibble is the healthiest diet, I also do not believe that raw is the healthiest diet either. Both carry risks and it is up to owners to decide how to feed their dogs after going through all the facts. I personally choose to mix a high quality kibble with home-cooked meals. I think this is the best diet for my dogs, but it may not be the best option for others out there. If there is valid evidence (not anecdotal) that a strict raw food diet eliminates health problems, then I will change my viewpoint. For now, I think the kibble/raw food debate is up in the air until some scientific studies are done by an independent research group.
but your vet said it was ok to feed....
cancerous tumors...feed downed cows that are sick...feed stuff that is not ok for human have your right to feed what you want...but please before being neg about raw i would look at what is in kibble....meal is another word for posion...beaks feathers, tumors, dieased animals, and this info is on line for anyone to read who wants to take the time.....dogs always carry e coli and salomana in their system ...even when fed dry foods...
no my dog is not a wolf never has been and never will he will not hunt on his own.... i I feed a raw diet becasue his system is built to better handle raw than over processed grains...
I have two sb dogs that have solid stools on raw they never had on kibble....i dont use flea or tick products and have never had either becasue of raw....i even had a heart worm test done on my 3 yo ..... guess what no heart worm....
their are to many benefits in feeding a home cooked meal or a raw diet....vs kibble....
cost...well i dont buy flea and heartworm products...i dont vaccinate....i only see the vet once a year to have a early physical done on my dogs...
i have never had to have densitry work done on any of my it cost no more to feed raw or home cooked than it does a bag of kibble...
but again i honor your right to feed what you want....but it is a much healthier way to feed....