3 ounces a day..... Is this enough to help her out along with dry and soft food? I still let her get a few table scraps in her bowl after the family is done...like today she had a grilled pork chop and some green beans....Should I refrain from this while she is nursing? She does fine with it but I don't want it to affect her pups negativley if it could.....
Sorry for all these questions, I would feel like a loon, calling the vet every second my worry wart mind thinks of something else.
you can also give a couple tums w/ calcium.....n/m
Yes.. that is enough.. as long as she is
eating well and drinking plenty things should be well with momma. She can have pretty much anything she ate before now that the pregnancy is over. Medications you have to be careful with though. Continue giving her vitamins though :O)