Chronic drippy nose is it just a bulldog thing?

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Chronic drippy nose is it just a bulldog thing?

I mean to the point it looks like a whale blow hole? lol

J-ME, Digger & Roxie

Re: chronic runny nose

It's clear and thin and has had it for months. That's why I was thinking it might be a bulldog thing. These are my first bullies so all advise is greatly appreciated. Thank you. He had a bout with pneumonia at Christmas this past year and that was sure scary. Got k9 para influenza and turned into pneumonia he was a very sick baby for weeks.

J-ME, Digger & Roxie

chronic runny nose

re the subject, most bulldogs don't have this and I think its perhaps due to the weather or a slight URI but as long as the discharge remains "clear" and "thin" it will usually resolve on its own
if the nasal discharge becomes colored (yellow or greenish)and thickens, then the dog definitely should be seen by your vet. BTW, "URI" stands for upper respiratory infection and you will see this abbreviation used here regularly, when referring to these symptoms (colored mucus, sneezing discharge, sometimes accompanied by discharge from eyes, heavier breathing, sometimes reduction to appetite...the usual 'human cold symptoms'. If it goes untreated, or progresses rapidly, the dog can develop pneumonia (confirmed by chest x-ray). My recommendations.

Re: No sure, but

Its my 1 year old male that does it. I thought maybe was allergies but he does it alot when he meets people. Not sure either. Will check with vet too. Thanks. Your babies are very cute.

J-ME, Digger & Roxie

IndyBulldog™'s picture

No sure, but

My puppy blows out of his nose when he wants a better smell. I thought at first he was sneezing, cause the older pup never did. Has the pup seen a vet since you got it? I'm big on the vet for puppies, and they need a check up anyway.
Others on the site will know more than I, but a vet check is best if you haven't yet.
This is Buddy and Brother.


[linked image]

dqnguyen56's picture

Re: Chronic drippy nose is it just a bulldog thing?

Chunky blows his snot all over the place. I think as long as its clear, and not green/yellow, it should be OK

Thats good to know.

Yea, my windshield on the inside looks like it should be on the outside from him sitting in the front seat. lol Thanks

J-ME, Digger & Roxie

WOW...glad he recovered from that!

I wouldn't worry about the moist might be a slight allergic reaction to something but if that's the only sign I could ignore it in my own dog. happy.gif

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Same here...

Chester's nose is always wet, he leaves marks on everything he touches.

Kathy, Ollie and Chester

CathyandAudrey's picture

My girl's nose drips a lot

and it's clear. She's not congested and her breathing sounds clear but her nose does run a lot.

when she first came home

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