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Bump between Rocco's toes...advice? (pics)

I noticed today Rocco had a little bump between his toes on his left doesnt appear to be sensitive at all when I touch it, it kind of looks like a bug bite or something...has anyone had this happen to any onf there bullies...i tried to take some pics but they dont really seem to help much but here they are anyway...I am wondering if it may even be like a pimple or something


"Rocco has a spastic wiggle...probally why is nickname is Milkshake"


Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

interdigital cyst...

very common in bulldogs.  What are you feeding him?  Try putting preparation H on it three times a day, it should be gone in two or three days.

Rocco84's picture

agh a cyst

didnt even think of that...i will def give that a go...any advice to keep ol' rocco from licking it off


"Rocco has a spastic wiggle...probally why is nickname is Milkshake"


rbthibod's picture

wow no idea

how to keep from licking unless you went to a farm store or tack shop and got some bitter apple , which is a deterant from licking i remember seeing some other topical things that deter animal from licking stuff

Shannon and Winston's picture

bitter apple

I think it might burn on a sore like that...and my experience w/ bitter apple is that I somehow manage to get more in MY nose and mouth than I ever do on the item I don't want to be chewed...


Shannon and Winston :)

My swimming bully buddy!

My swimming bully buddy!

Shannon and Winston's picture


I usually give a verbal "AH!" sort of cue whenever I see Winston licking his paw while he has an active cyst.  He'll usually give the sad and sulky face, but he'll stop.  If it's bothering him enough to make him want to lick it, it's probably because it "itches."  I'd recommend giving a benadryl, 1mg for every pound of weight per my vet's advice (unless Rocco's had a bad reaction to Benadryl), while you work to get the cyst to clear...that helps Winston at least.  And, as an fyi, they usually look worse before they get better, so don't panic too much if it gets bigger/redder in the next few days...

Good luck!


Shannon and Winston :)

My swimming bully buddy!

My swimming bully buddy!

IndyBulldog™'s picture


My vet says to use Preparation H pads to wipe in there between the affected toes.

I use Tucks pads on my Boys cause that's what I had found at the store.  They seem to stop the itching for them...they are common in Bullies.

Witch Hazel is good too, clean the area with it.

I've heard if they get bad, soaking in epsom salts  water helps.

Also a vet visit may be called for if it gets too sore.




Mean people still suck

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Just don't soak and use prep H together...

they defeat each other's purpose.  Do one or the other.  Personally, I can't get my dogs to stand still long enough to soak their paws, so the prep H works for us.

chrissyBella's picture

the are pretty common, bella has had two I think, one got bad an

and kind of exploded and got infected, it was more toward bottom of paw, but it was a big process to get it to heel :( but most just go away I believe

Rocco84's picture

thanks guys

I started using preperation H and he actually doesnt appear to wanna lick it at is weird because he doesnt even seem to notice I put anything on his paw...I put it on laast night and this morning it was oozing a bit so ti si starting to heal...I have had cysts myslef and usually go the epson salt route.  Thanks for the help guys, it's weird you always think the worst until you find out it is something common ha


"Rocco has a spastic wiggle...probally why is nickname is Milkshake"


Massengill Country Flowers Disposable Douche

Warm the douche in a small container (yogurt containers are good) and soak the paw in it for about 10 minutes, twice a day (you can reuse the douche).

In about a day or two, the cyst will drain and heal. 

I've found this to be the best and fastest remedy to clear up interdigital cysts (works much faster than soaking in epsom salt).

IndyBulldog™'s picture

Gonna try that

I love the looks I get when I buy fem stuff. 

I asked a cashier once if they carried thongs...[Ya know flip flops] wish I had a picture of her eyes and the look on her face.

Hope it works for us.




Mean people still suck

According to the breeder that

According to the breeder that gave me this tip, it has to be Massengil Country Flower, and no other. The stuff is not easy to find and so I tend to stock up. Needless to say, I get pretty strange looks when checking out with half a dozen pink boxes of douche. Saying that its for my bulldogs doesn't help.


Rocco84's picture


talk about akward lol


"Rocco has a spastic wiggle...probally why is nickname is Milkshake"


ArchimedesMommy's picture

OMG, is it terrible that I'm laughing right now? :-) Wow, the

things we do for our bullies, huh? :-)
But seriously, I'm sooo happy you posted this, because I'd LOVE something FAST for my poor Meaty---he

has TERRIBLE cysts and I feel so bad for him because they look so angry and painful!   


Our sweet Archimedes "MEATY" Bones (or as we say...boneSHHH!)    ---born 11/28/08---- our first bullllyyyy!!!

And  SOPHIE  Bubbles *Rapscallion*   (LOL!) ---born 4/3/11----our second bulllllyyyy!!!!