Beth and Jasper avatar image

spots of hair loss

does anyone know what causes these spots of hair loss?This is the largest one, two smaller ones are visable in photo. Starts out as a raised scab, then the hair comes out. Skin isn't red or weepy, sometimes dark. The hair will grow back. I asked the vet, he said to clean with hydrogen peroxide, then apply neosporin ointment. But I'd like to prevent them from occuring if possible. Jasper has been on a grain free diet for years so don't think that's the culprit.




Missy Violet and Magic's picture

Mine get this...

I believe it's a staph infection.  My French BD gets them and a round of Cephalexin clears it up.  He has terrible allergies, mostly environmental so not much we can do.  He's on a strict grain free, limited ingredient diet so it's not food related. Good luck.


onslowsmom's picture

Have to agree with buggy

