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Itch Relief
Excessive licking, chewing, and scratching can make a pets life miserable for month after month, even year after year. For rapid relief of itch and inflammation, nothing matches the corticosteroid hormones such as cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone, dexamethasone, and others. There are some animals that seem unable to live with any degree of comfort without these medications. Unfortunately, these hormones have widespread and potentially dangerous actions throughout the body when they are used for inappropriately long periods and it is generally desirable to minimize the use of these hormones when possible to do so. Ideally, corticosteroids are used for a few really tough itch weeks and other forms of itch management are used for "general itch maintenance." This is, of course, easier to write about than to actually do. When one's pet is scratching and chewing raw spots on his or her skin, practical advice is what is called for. The following list includes assorted non-steroidal methods for relieving itch and reducing the amount of corticosteroid hormones.
Antihistamine Trials
Histamine, a biological chemical, is the chief mediator of inflammation in humans hence the proliferation of antihistamines available for people both by prescription and "over the counter." Histamine is not the major mediator of inflammation in the dog, thus these medications are not as reliable for dogs as they are for us.
The protocol recommended is helpful to approximately 40% of dogs who try it. Four different antihistamines are used, one at a time, at least two weeks each, in hope of finding one that is acceptably effective. While the chance that an individual antihistamine will be helpful is small (about 15%), trying several antihistamines greatly increases the chance of finding one that works.
Fatty Acid Supplementation
The discovery of anti-inflammatory properties of evening primrose oils and fish oils in humans has led to similar products on the market for our pets. These products are not analogous to the oil supplements which are recommended as food supplements to make a pet's coat shiny; instead; these are true anti-inflammatory drugs capable of relieving joint pain, cramps, and itchy skin. The supplement alone is helpful in 10-25% of itchy dogs; Often recommend use in combination with antihistamines to boost the efficacy of the protocol described above.
Topicals to try : When using any dip on inflamed skin one should be aware that the use of cool water is considered much more soothing than warm water.
Colloidal Oatmeal Shampoos and Creme Rinse
Other Topical Products: Colloidal Oatmeal Sprays and Lotions
Same principle as above. These products pull inflammatory toxins out of the skin. Oatmeal products have become very popular and are available as shampoos, creme rinses, soaks, sprays, and lotions.
HUMILAC SPRAY - This is a moisturizer which may be applied as a spray or mixed in water as a dip. It is helpful for dry skin but can also be used in combination with lime sulfur as lime sulfur is naturally drying to the skin. WITCH HAZEL - This product has a cooling effect on the skin which is soothing for both animals and for people with sun burn. It is available as a spray or lotion. ALOE VERA GEL - If possible, obtain 100% aloe vera gel from a health food store. Products "containing aloe" are much more available but are generally not as effective and not meant to be licked away by a pet. Aloe vera gel comes from the aloe vera succulent and contains enzymes which break down inflammatory proteins and enhance healing. Pure aloe vera gel is not harmful for pets who want to lick it off. TOPICAL STEROIDS - It seems clear that taking steroids orally may be harmful to the body with chronic use but are topical cremes safe for long term use? We now know that topical steroids (cortisone cremes and related products) a absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream but the hormonal side effects with topical use do seem blunted. For small irritated areas ("hot spots"), topicals can provide excellent relief without the systemic effects of hormones.