I am going to be giving it to Rocky for his arthritis, it is apparently the bomb for joint pain, I have been reading about it for a few days now and can see nothing negative about it, so along with his clucosimine, msm, keep your fingers crossed, it is also apparantly good for tumors, cysts,
What would be an average dose?
average dose per cup of food? I'd be interested to know if you have noticeable results with this.
Darcy, Camy and the Oliver-puppy
I used it many years ago for one of my guys that had Lymphoma.
But it was way to late to tell if it would have helped her.
thanks Deb
no harm in trying
thanks Robin
that is why i have decided to give it to Rocky, he has alot of pain and arthritis, I have heard great thinga about it
no experience here but hope that it works for you Penny
I've put this into the food I cook for my dogs for years, they seem to like the taste and I've never had a dog with arthritis or stiff joints. It is known to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Hi Olivia
It is really interesting I have googled it and read for hours, I am going to pick sopme up tonight and start,
I'll have to read about this.
Look into green lipped mussel extract and deer antler velvet, too.
Keep us posted - hugs to Rocky!
it is
but tumeric comes from the spice curcumin,
Is it the turmeric
spice? Or some variation or not even close? I use that for canning alot of stuff.
'Twas not my lips you kissed
But my soul ~ Judy Garland
I will Lisa
I am so excited about this, a friend down the road was the one who told me about it, he had to give it to his horse a few years ago, could hardly walk, he takes it also for his arthritis, it is supposed to be the wonder drug, and no side effects, Rocky is so sore he does not even leave his crate, can't get up on the couch anymore, I make him go outside a few times a day to play with his big ball, will kjeep you posted
Please keep us posted
on how he does. I'll be following his progress. =)
'Twas not my lips you kissed
But my soul ~ Judy Garland