Who ever finds Prozyme (454GM) for the cheapest including shipping, gets a big wet sloppy cyber kiss from Bentley!
I'm going to try Roxy on NB duck WITH enzymes on it. This was suggested to me because her tummy has problems with most food and her right ear has problems with the ones her tummy tolerates. It's worth a try.
I don't rescue animals because I want to feel better about myself, or morally superior to anyone. The best part of my life with animals is the humility they teach and the humanity the foster.
Jon Katz "Soul of a Dog"
I've seen it cheaper though. They always get you on the shipping.
Thank You!
I don't rescue animals because I want to feel better about myself, or morally superior to anyone. The best part of my life with animals is the humility they teach and the humanity the foster.
Jon Katz "Soul of a Dog"
I wanna kiss from Bentley!
he is one of my absolute all time favorite bully boys!
when she first came home
Try this one
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